Our National SACCO movement if young and unseasoned. We need cutting edge research to raise our profile and benchmark with vibrant movements in the region and learn mature movements in the developed world.

We will offer a wide range of professional consultancy and advisory services to SACCOs throughout Zimbabwe.

This unit will be proactively innovative while not seeking to re-invent the wheel but to adapt international best practises to our local reality.

Areas of research will include among others:

  1. Harnessing the digital dividend – Digital SACCO Financial services
  2. Harnessing the demographic dividend – Focussing on Africa young population for cross generational leadership
  3. Harnessing the inter-cooperation social capital dividend – Focussing on Solidarity Economics and sustainable social enterprises.
  4. Harnessing the socio- economic crisis dividend – thinking globally acting locally to seize opportunities that come disguised as crisis.