1. In the five year National Financial Inclusion Strategy [NFIS 2016-2020] launched by the Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe in March 2016 the National Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Unions of Zimbabwe NACSCUZ is singled out among other key stakeholders to take ownership and responsibility of its constituency (that is the SACCO movement) specific key deliverables.
  2. In collaboration with the National Financial Inclusion Secretariat domiciled at the Central Bank and inter-cooperating with fellows stakeholders NACSCUZ takes it upon itself to:
    1. Represent its members ideas on financial inclusion
    2. Ensure transmission of information between its members, fellow stakeholders and the regulatory authorities
    3. To promote use of formal financial services
    4. To promote the empowerment of women and other marginalised groups through its strategic fit of representing social financial enterprises (SACCOs), by the people and for the people
  3. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe notes with regret, on page 98 of the NFIS document that a NATIONAL FINANCIAL LITERACY FRAMEWORK is at risk since, hitherto, stakeholders have been implementing uncoordinated initiatives. NACSCUZ is building capacity to rise to its calling and exploit opportunities enumerated in the National Financial Inclusion Strategy to deliver financial literacy and consumer education in pursuit of the exposed gaps.