Member Obligations, Liabilities and Benefits


Every member society of the Association shall:

  1. abide by the by-laws and any internal rules of the Association.
  2. comply with the majority decisions of the Association and decisions of the management committee save in such cases where he intends to challenge the validity of any meeting in terms of section 45 (6) of the Co-operative Societies Act [chapter 24:05].
  • be loyal to the Association, avoid all acts detrimental to the interests of the Association and do everything necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.
  1. attend all meetings through delegates who shall take an active role in the activities of the Association and participate in the discussions and decision making of the Association.
  2. be liable for the debts of the Association within limits set out in these by-laws.
  3. give all necessary information to the Association.
  • do everything to ensure that the objects of the Association are in line with the social and economic interests of member societies.


The liability of a member society for the debts of the Association shall be limited to the mount unpaid, if any, on the shares held or subscribed by such member society subject to the provisions of section 22 and 44 of the Co-operative Societies Act [chapter 24:05].


A NACSCUZ member is a shareholder who is entitled to have a say (voice) and vote in the decision-making process, regardless of the amounts of their SACCO deposits. Under the principle of democratic ownership, every member can also participate in making policy and regulation of the national trade association if he/she is elected onto the board of directors.

NACSCUZ is a non-profit financial cooperative which offers a wide range of financial services to members. According to each field of membership, credit unions are classified into community based, enterprise/employee based, and association/group based SACCOs. Other than financial services, a SACCO promotes community development through education, social activities, and by providing funding to disadvantaged people.

NACSCUZ is an apex trade association, financial intermediary, and business organization consisting of all SACCOs in Zimbabwe, and was established in 1986.

As a trade association, NACSCUZ represents member SACCOs to the government, the regulator, and the international SACCO society. It conducts publicity, supervision, management consulting and education. As a financial intermediary NACSCUZ manages a member SACCOs’ national Central Financial Services Fund In the spirit of cooperation among cooperatives, and believing and understanding that the SACCOs movement can best save the interest of its members through inter-cooperation.

Finally, NACSCUZ offers a variety of Value Added Services on a discount to members listed under PRODUCTS & SERVICES (hyperlink). Participating in the value added services also earn member SACCOs an additional income while at the same time providing for the subsidizing of individual SACCO membership contributions.